Looking for scholarship opportunities?
There are scholarships available for new and current students at 糖心Vlog. Many scholarships are available through private funding sources—both Catholic and secular—and others are offered directly through the college.
Scholarships Related to DWC:
糖心Vlog Scholarship: At the beginning of every school year, you can apply for assistance from 糖心Vlog. Students enrolling part-time and/or auditing courses may qualify for reduced assistance.
Presidential Scholarship: This $3,000 scholarship is awarded each year to students who show promise of superior academic achievement. A maximum of two new applicants may be approved for this scholarship in a single year, based on certain criteria. The scholarship is renewable each year the student meets the guidelines.
Honor Scholarships, which are renewable each year the recipient demonstrates financial need.
- Bishop Curtis Guillory, SVD, Scholarship: This scholarship named in honor of Bishop Guillory, a 1968 graduate of 糖心Vlog who currently serves as the Bishop of Beaumont, Texas.
- Father Robert J. Flinn, SVD, Scholarship: This scholarship named in honor of Father Robert J. Flinn, SVD, an accomplished educator, author, cannon lawyer, medical ethicist, and former 糖心Vlog trustee.
- Father Francis Kamp, SVD, Scholarship: This scholarship named in honor of Father Francis Kamp, SVD, a Divine Word Missionary for over 60 years, who headed the SVD Mission Center at Techny, Illinois, for many years, generating great support for the missionaries and their ministries abroad.
- Father Chester Nowicki, SVD, Scholarship: This scholarship named in honor of Father Chester Nowicki, SVD, who for over 50 years served the Society of the Divine Word as a teacher and later as the Provincial Treasurer.
- Father Edmund Morman, SVD, Scholarship: This scholarship established by alumnus Dr. Richard Mani, M.D. named in honor of Fr. Morman, one of his favorite teachers when he was studying with Divine Word Missionaries.
- Al Hughes Scholarship: This scholarship named in memory of Al Hughes, a longtime member of the Board of Trustees and the College attorney.
- Amedeo Cacciamani Scholarship: This scholarship established by alumnus Dr. Richard Mani, M.D. named in memory of his father Amedeo Cacciamani, an Italian immigrant who moved to America as a teenageer in hopes of building a better life. He realized that dream when he started a career with the railroad, maried and became the father of four sons.
- Annunziata Cacciamani Scholarship: This scholarship established by alumnus Dr. Richard Mani, M.D. named in memory of his mother. It is said that she was the driving force for her family in terms of ambition and spirituality.
- Mani Family Scholarship: This scholarship honors all of the members of the Mani family, both living and deceased. Italian immigrants Amedeo and Annunziata Cacciamani started this family legacy, which extended to their four sons and has flourished and grown.
- Dr. William Cade Goertz Scholarship: This scholarship honoring alumnus Dr. William Cade Goertz. He graduated from Bordentown in 1957, completed novitiate and associate's degree at Conesus and spent one year at Techny before discerning that religious life was not his calling. He enjoyed a long career as a teacher and librarian. The gift of this scholarship will assist students long into the future.
- Fr. William Shea, SVD Scholarship: Fr. Bill is a devoted educator and missionary. He was ordained in 1964. Generations of SVD seminarians have looked to this Boston native for spiritual guidance and academic instruction. Through his work at seminaries across the United States, Fr. Bill has provided guidance and support for thousands of young men who sought life as Divine Word Missionaries. He also served as Provincial of the Eastern Province from 1976 to 1985. Today, his legacy shines brightly in the work of each person who he influenced and inspired throughout the years.
- Divine Word Missionary Brothers Scholarship: Alumnus Dr. Richard Mani, M.D. funded this scholarship to honor all Divine Word Missionary Brothers, both living and deceased. These dedicated servants of Christ live a consecrated life and carry out their mission through ministry in a variety of fields. During his time as a seminarian with the SVDs, Dr. Mani was inspired by Divine Word Brothers and wanted to highlight their significant contributions to the success of SVD missions around the world.
- Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters and Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters Scholarship: The college established this scholarship with a donation from Alumnus Dr. Richard Mani, M.D. The Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters (SSpS) and Sister Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration Sisters (SSpSAP) were founded by St. Arnold Janssen. Dr. Mani said that during his time as a seminarian, SSpS sisters worked at the school in a variety of domestic roles. He found them to be the humblest women he has ever met. This scholarship is dedicated to their hard work and selfless sacrifices.
- Carl and Jo Mani Scholarship: This scholarship honors Carl and Jo Mani who met at St. Mary’s Hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin while Jo was studying nursing and Carl was in medical school. It was the beginning a 62-year relationship filled with love, caring and sharing. . Carl and Jo had a close relationship and were a shining example of the sacramental commitment of marriage.
Check Out These Additional Scholarship Sources:
Catholic Institutions:
- Knights of Columbus Councils
- Serra International Clubs
- St. Vincent de Paul Society
- Your home parish
Secular Institutions:
- Parents' places of employment
- National Scholarships
- Local scholarships, such as not-for-profit organizations or foundations
- Local newspapers and other companies
- Social clubs such as Kiwanis, Lions, etc.
Vocational Rehabilitation Assistance: Available in cases of permanent disabilities or health problems, State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies may grant aid for rehabilitation through education. Contact the state agency of your home state for more information.