
Dr. Roman T Ciapalo

Dr. Roman T. Ciapalo

Adjunct - Assistant Professor of Philosophy


Dr. Ciapalo has lectured nationally and internationally in New Delhi, India, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, and Lviv and Kyiv, Ukraine. He was the recipient of a Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar to Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia and was a Fulbright Scholar at Lviv State University in Ukraine during the 1993-94 academic year. He travels to Ukraine each Summer to teach Business Ethics for various MBA Programs. He has conducted workshops on "Ethics in the Public Sector" for the city management teams of Dubuque, Cedar Rapids, and Lviv, Ukraine. During recent summers, he has lectured at the annual two-week-long “Philosophy Summer School” conducted by Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, Ukraine.

Dr. Ciapalo was born in Argentina, where his parents settled after spending several years as refugees during and after World War II. He arrived, along with his brother and parents, in the U.S.A. in 1958. He is married to Nancy, a Registrar at Finley Hospital in Dubuque. They have two dogs adopted from the Dubuque Regional Humane Society.


M.A.-- Loyola University Chicago (Philosophy)

Ph.D. -- Loyola University Chicago (Philosophy)

Courses taught at DWC

Modern Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Business Ethics, Environmental Ethics, Media Communication Ethics

Research Interests

Business Ethics, Ethics in Sports and Athletics, Plotinus

Publications (selection)

Review of Bruce Baugh, French Hegel: From Surrealism to Postmodernism in The Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 63, No. 3, Issue 231, March 2005.

Review of Md. Abdur Razzaque, David Hume and William James: Two Studies in Linkages in Anvesan, vol. 6, September 2002 (Bangladesh).

“The Oriental Influences Upon Plotinus’ Thought: An Assessment of the Controversy Between Brehier and Rist on the Soul’s Relation to the One,” in Neoplatonism and Indian Philosophy, Paulos Mar Gregorios, editor (Ithaca: SUNY Press, 2002).

“Neoplatonism and Contemporary Slavic Spirituality: Survival and Revival of the Fittest in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Eras,” in Neoplatonism and Contemporary Thought, R. Baine Harris, editor (Ithaca: SUNY Press, 2002).

“The Neoplatonic Dimensions of Skovoroda’s Aesthetic Theory,” in Neoplatonism and Western Aesthetics, Aphrodite Alexandrakis, editor (Ithaca: SUNY Press, 2002).

Democracy and the Role of Philosophy in the University” and “Democracy in the Workplace: Some Reflections on Employee Rights” (in Ukrainian), in Civil Society as the Fulfillment of Human Freedom (Lviv, Ukraine: Lviv State University Press 2000).

Editor, Ukrainian-language edition of Thomas Garrett and Richard Klonoski, Business Ethics, 2nd edition [Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1986], (Kyiv: Osnovy Press, 1998).

“The Relation of Plotinian Eudaimonia to the Life of the Serious Man in Treatise I.4 (46),” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 71, No. 3 (1997), 489-498.

Postmodernism and Christian Philosophy, editor, (Mishawaka, Indiana: American Maritain Association, 1997), distributed by The Catholic University of America Press.

Review of Richard H. Marshall, Jr. and Thomas E. Bird, eds., Hryhorij Savyc Skovoroda: An Anthology of Critical Articles in Slavic Review, vol. 55, no. 2, Summer, 1996.

"Leo Sweeney, S.J.: Bibliography," in Greek & Medieval Studies in Honor of Leo Sweeney, S.J., William J. Carroll & John J. Furlong, eds. (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 1994).

Professional Affiliations

American Catholic Philosophical Association; International Society for Neoplatonic Studies


Ukrainian (native fluency); Ancient Greek (reading knowledge)

Intercultural Experience

Dr. Ciapalo is bi-lingual and has worked with international students for his entire career; he teaches and lectures on various philosophical topics regularly in Ukraine.

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