
Dr. Cathleen Cleary

Dr. Cathleen Cleary

Assistant Professor of Biology
Chair - Department of Interdisciplinary Studies

563.876.3353 x295



I am originally from Long Island, New York, attended college in upstate New York and graduate school in New Jersey. I spent two years as a Post Doctoral Fellow at the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) of the FDA, on the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland. I moved to Dubuque in 1998, where I have taught Chemistry and Biology courses at Loras College and 糖心Vlog.


B.S. State University of New York at Geneseo, Geneseo, N.Y. 1983 (Biology)
Ph.D. Joint program at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, 1995 (Molecular Genetics and Microbiology)

Courses taught

糖心Vlog, 2003-present
Introduction to Life Sciences, Basic Chemistry,Introduction to Environmental Science

Loras College Department of Biology, 1999-2002, 2009 
Cell and Molecular Biology course; Cell and Molecular Biology Labs
Department of Chemistry. 1998 – 2001, 2011 
Introductory Chemistry and Biochemistry Labs;
General Chemistry I Labs;
General Chemistry II Labs

Clarke College Department of Biology 2001
Microbiology Laboratory

Research Interests

My research interest focused on the Interferons and their cell surface receptors, their interactions with various other cytokines and their effect in the immune system.


Shealer, D.A. and Cleary, C.M. (2007) Sex Determination of Adult Black Terns by

DNA and Morphometrics: Tests of Sample Size, Temporal Stability and Geographic Specificity in the Classification Accuracy of Discriminant Function Models. Waterbirds 30: 180-188.

Cook, J.R., Cleary, C.M., Mariano, T.M., Izotova, L., and Pestka, S. (1996) Differential

Responsiveness of a Splice Variant of the Human Type I Interferon Receptor to Interferons. J. Biological Chemistry 271:13448-13453

Cleary, C.M., Donnelly, R.J., Soh, J., Mariano, T.M., and Pestka, S. (1994) Knockout and reconstitution of a functional human Type I interferon receptor complex. J. Biological Chemistry 269:18747.

Cleary, C.M., Donnelly, R.J., and Pestka, S. (1992) Cloning of an alternatively spliced form of the human interferon alpha receptor. J. Interferon Research12, S220.

Cleary, C.M. and Pestka, S. (1989) Cloning of Hamster IFN-g. J. Interferon Research 9(Supp 2):S155.

Parsa, I., Pour, P. M., Cleary, C. M. (1988) Amplification of c-Ki-ras-2 Oncogene Sequences in Human Carcinoma of the Pancreas. Int. J. of Pancreatology 3(1):45-51.

Parsa, I., Freidman, S., Cleary, C. M. (1987) Visualization of O7-Methylguanine in Target Cell Nuclei of methylnitrosamine Treated Human Pancreas by Murine Monoclonal Antibody. Carcinogenesis 8(6):839 846

Parsa, I., Cleary, C. M., Marsh, W. H., Butt, K. M., Foye, C. A. (1986) Visualization of c-Ki-ras2 Oncogene Sequences in Human Pancreas, A Chemically Induced Transplantable Carcinoma, and Carcinomas of Pancreas by in situ Hybridization. Int. J. of Pancreatology 1(5-6):299-309.

Cleary, C. M., Madahar, C. and Parsa, I. (1986) Chromosomal Localization of c-Ki-ras in a Chemically Induced Transplantable Human Pancreas Carcinoma by in situ Hybridization. Federation Proceedings 45(3):449 (Abstract #1717).

Parsa, I., Marsh, W. H., Wong, J. Y., Cleary, C. M. (1986) Human Pancreas Acinar Cell Post Differentiation Antigen Detected by Murine Monoclonal Antibody. Int. J. of Pancreatology 1(1):61-70.

Professional Affiliations

Past member of International Society for Interferon Research (ISIR).
Past member of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Intercultural Experience

Graduate school colleagues from all over the world;
International ISIR conferences;
Working with students at 糖心Vlog for 12 years.

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